Tuesday, November 26, 2019
NBC in Trouble
NBC in Trouble Introduction NBC is a diverse international company. NBC stands for National Broadcasting Company. It is involved in media activities, especially television network. It is an American commercial broadcasting television and radio network. Radio Corporation of America was the radio network involved in NBC.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on NBC in Trouble specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is this Radio Corporation of America that started the television broadcasting. It was using the profit it made from radio broadcast to develop the television. It is from this that NBC started television broadcast, which was located in Empire State Building in New York. The radio continued to support the television until NBC gained significant popularity. It also became grouped among the best broadcasting business. NBC television Network airs reality shows like sports news, business news, politics and many others. It also airs soap operas and children programs like cartoons and animation. However, NBC television seems to have lost taste since 2005. Thatââ¬â¢s the reason why it was ranked fourth in the year 2005 and 2006 in the television ranking of that season. NBC has however tried to improve and attract some viewers by airing the National Football League around the end of 2006, thus managing to attract football fans. This game was a big accomplishment because improved its rating of that year. Formation of NBC Universal Television network under the NBC came up with the NBC universal. This was after the acquisition of the Universal studio movie and the theme park business. NBC Universal was created around 2004. NBC was a subsidiary of industry giant of generic electric. Due to the prolonging disappointing performance by this merged business, general electric decided to reduce losses at the end of 2009. It was to fulfill this by transferring more than half of the business stake to the cable provider busines s called the Comcast. Hence, Comcast became the controlling stake in the business. This deal ended at the beginning of the new 21st century. It was now Comcast time to come up with strategy and ideas which were to boost the business back to its leading position. There were a number of regional and cable stations owned by the NBC universal. These stations utilized effectively by Comcast, could have seen the business to the top. NBC in the 20th Century 20th century started with bad news for NBC. It was around this time when the United States was experiencing a down turn in their economy. Most of the companies in the United States were closed especially the online ones. This also affected the NBC which was forced to reduce the number of its employers. Apart from laying off some of its employers, NBC also lost several millions of US dollars.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn Mor e During the same millennium period, NBC did not have a clear internet strategy. This lack of clearance made the internet not to differentiate NBC from other portals. According to some analysts, it had a general purpose portal. However, some of the analysts did not have a problem with the general purpose portal. They argued that there was nothing wrong with a media company having a general portal as the company itself is a network. At the beginning of the 20th century NBC also experienced some financial problems caused by fall in the advertising revenue. Most of the television profits come from the advertising sector. Hence, dropping the advertising revenue meant a stiff financial crisis. It meant no enough money to run the business and even for paying the workers. However, there is only one positive thing that happened in the 20th century. NBC purchased the broadcast and cable business of Telemundo Communication Group. This was a Spanish television network. The deal was don e in 2002. NBC acquiring Telemundo became the only television that devorts a full channel to the Spanish people. This was received positively, especially by the Spanish speaking population in the United States. This increased the popularity of NBC and also the viewership. Increase in the viewersââ¬â¢ number means an increase in revenue hence, there is an increase in profit margin. Strengths of NBC Television Network NBC news has been the most watched newscast. This is because they have been able to divide the news to cables due to the expansion of the news. This led to launching different channels for a specific part of the news. There was a channel for business news, another one for general news with political orientation. NBC Sports Network was responsible for airing sports news and events. There was also a weather channel which aired weather forecast. This increased the number of viewers as one could turn to the channel that he is interested in. This was made easier by the fac t that NBC operates in a 24 hour regular network programming schedule. Hence, with this type of schedule, the viewers could watch what they wish at any time of the day. NBC possess some technological knowledge. It is even known as the pioneer of new technologies. This knowledge has been used to bring good unique things for the viewers. This helps attract more viewers and also with the unique things to bring about a stiff competition with other networks.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on NBC in Trouble specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, in 1999, NBC launched NBCi which is a NBC internet. It was a publicly held internet firm. It was positioned as a general internet to attract much audience. NBCi was also to attract many advertisers by leveraging the rich and complicated content that they wanted to advertise. It also brought out the e-commerce experience of NBC. NBC airs the winter and summer Olympics eac h time they are played. It sells some of its Olympic events that are on demand through its cable television, internet and video. By doing this, it is able to meet the viewersââ¬â¢ interest for real time highlights. NBC also got some cash from the cables, internet and video. It was also able to gain more viewers. Many people also brought in advertisements request due to the increased number of viewers. Increase in advertisement led to a higher profit margin. Weaknesses of NBC Television Network NBC decision to make a full television season renewals is a drawback. This is because; the full season pick ups seem more of a sign of the networkââ¬â¢s lack of program development. It shows mismanagement and also uncertainty as to what direction the network wants to go next season. Although most of the shows are getting below average ratings, bringing new shows will make it even worse. Not many people would want to watch a new show especially if it is series type of a show. Therefore, i t makes sense to retain some of the shows for a while. The shows that should not be cancelled are those that have a high network. NBC was the first important network to put up its programming. This became a weakness because the program did not attract many viewers as expected. The network only saw a minor boost in viewers. The program did cost NBC much money but did not yield a good result. This reduced the NBC finances bringing it down even more. NBC concentrated so much on airing football and athletics that it forgot about other shows which were also important. That is why in 2006, NBCââ¬â¢s revenue went down by 23%. NBC hoped for the winter Olympic to improve the situation. However, poor performance of the United State athletics was one reason which led to the drop of the number of viewers. The viewers could not sit down and watch their own athletics being defeated. The other primary reason for the decrease in the number of viewers was the competition from other networks espec ially the ABC. These networks were able to take advantage of the fact that NBC was concentrating on Olympic coverage. They were able to come up with other interesting shows which attracted more viewers especially those from NBC. Hence, the Olympic coverage did not increase NBC viewership as other networks had put their best products forward.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recommendations on NBC NBC has all it takes to entertain its viewers. It has 10 fully owned stations which are operational. It also has 200 affiliates on the territory of the States. It is therefore fully equipped to keep all its viewers and listeners well informed by making good use of the station and the affiliates. It can also use the same station to entertain their viewers which will attract more viewers.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Units of Time in Spanish
Units of Time in Spanish Need to know how to refer to a particular unit of time? Here are the most common ones in Spanish, listed from the shortest period of time to the longest: el nanosegundo - nanosecond el microsegundo - microsecond el milisegundo - millisecond el segundo - second el minuto - minute la hora - hour el dà a - day la semana, el septenario - week la quincena - fortnight, two weeks (The term sometimes refers to a 15-day period or a half-month.) el mes - month el semestre - six months, half-year (The term can also refer to an academic semester.) el aà ±o - year el lustro - five years el decenio, la dà ©cada - 10 years, decade el siglo - century el milenio - millennium el cron - million years el eà ³n - thousand million years, billion years in U.S. English (The term also can refer to an indefinitely long period of time.) In addition, Spanish has a number of units of time that are seldom used, or are used in specific contexts. For example, bimestre and trimestre, are two-month and three-month periods, respectively, with similar month groupings possible. Similarly, bienio and septenio are two- and seven-year periods of time, respectively, with other groupings possible.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Referee report for paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Referee report for paper - Essay Example Each group occupied different geographical locations in the country. Autocratic form of government did not change even under president Jomo Kenyatta, but transitions came after the second president, who turned it into democratic government. However, during the autocratic form of government, ethnic favouritism was highly practice by political leader. This is supported by the data on road building, found across various districts in Kenya during the period of 1963 to 2011. The data indicates that across the 1963-2011 periods, the co ethic districts with the president received more roads expenditure as compared to non co-ethnic group. However, the new democratic government changed these kinds of biases and brought a lot of changes in the country that led to economic growth (Schwartzberg, 1987). This paper has clearly revealed the importance of democracy in Kenya, a country which is vulnerable to ethnic favouritism. It has defined the term ethnic favouritism and examined the effects it ha s on the countryââ¬â¢s economy. According to the paper, ethnic favouritism has being used in most developing countries by political leaders. However, the way this paper has examined the efforts of reintroducing democracy in order to tackle ethnic favouritism, is quite interesting. It has also provided evidence to illustrate how ethnic favouritism is practiced in developing countries. ... For instance, according to ethnic data it is reported that Kikuyu consist of 18.8%, Luhya 12.7%, Kalenjin 10.8%, and Luo 13.4% (Anderson, 1999). During the pre colonial period, these ethnic groups did not exist because the authority at the time was personal and local. However, after independence new rules and leaders emerged and led to development of provincial administration. This administration divided the country into provinces, districts, divisions, sub locations, and locations. Ethnic homogenous districts, therefore, emerged in the course of the countryââ¬â¢s evolution, leading to segregation and geographical targeting by various races to form ethnic groups. 2. Ethnic favouritism as a political strategy The paper reveals ethnic favouritism as the main strategy used by political leaders in many developing countries. Political leaders may use ethnic favouritism with the fear that without proper tactics in political games, they may lose their positions to other competing politic ians. They, therefore, believe that practicing ethnic favouritism increases strongholds that propel them to higher positions in the government (Anderson, 1999). However, since ethnic favouritism is a political game, I would expect the author to elaborate more on the issue. For instance, explaining how politician utilizes ethnic favouritism in weakening their political opponent through silencing their ethnic groups. This can be done through weakening or shutting down the electoral institutions. If a political leader practices ethnic favouritism then he or she is unaccountable and unrepresentative to his or her own people. This is because there are a few people who are favoured while others are being taxed, yet these leaders manage to remain in power for decades. It is possible for a president
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mission trip to Nicauragua Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mission trip to Nicauragua - Essay Example Teenagers today have the opportunity to do many things in life. They forget that there are important issues in the world that must be addressed. For a teenager, going to any foreign country will give them a chance to understand a different culture and a different way of life. Nicaragua is a country that is in need of many things, which makes it a country rich with opportunities for teens to minister to others. Many religions create an opportunity for teens and adults to take mission trips to foreign countries. This type of trip is different from vacations because it involves going to another country and ministering to groups of people. Mission trips have goals for each individual that is supposed to enhance their lives. Teens that go to Nicaragua will first see that the country is very impoverished. In fact, it is considered to be the ââ¬Å"second poorest country in the Western Hemisphereâ⬠(Adventure Ministries, 2010). Many adolescents are experiencing pregnancy and a new orph anage is being built that will help the country. For the people of Nicaragua, teens helping with education, learning English or learning how to avoid adolescent pregnancy are several says that a mission trip would benefit the native people. Teenagers would receive the richness of culture as they began to work with the native people and they would find a sense of pride in helping someone who was less fortunate than themselves. This type of trip gives them a better understanding of their own lives and how fortunate they really are to have all that they have in the United States.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cuisines & Traditions Essay Example for Free
Cuisines Traditions Essay We will discuss in our assignment the different cultural traditional cuisines of top five countries which influenced the food now being eaten. Then later in second phase of assignment we will discuss the traditional food preparation and dinning patterns of these five countries. SPAIN: Spanish cuisines are dominated by fresh produce, light seasoning of seafood from the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and fresh water mountain streams. For the purpose of culinary, we divided Spain into seven regions: Canary Islands, North Coast, North Interior, Central Plains, Northeast, Southeast Coast, South. The North Coast is cool, wet lush. It is known for its famous Basque culinary traditions, cuisine here is highly valued. Basque cooking techniques includes slow simmering in olive oil and subtle red green sauces. Fish dishes flourish with the northernmost region, and famous for its assorted and finer sea foods. Huge variety of herbs used with lamb and veal. The most popular cuisines are fish and meat pie. North interior is popular for local trout. White asparagus, baby artichokes, peas, potatoes, beans, wheat and sweet pepper are grown along with rivers. This region is particularly famous for its simple cooking techniques and popular dishes are bread sauteed with meats, eggs vegetables. Central plains are famous for fresh meat, beans and sausage. Saffron and cheese is commonly used in their food. Catalonia is famous for its unique combinations of food like squid with pork, rabbit with raisins. Romesco sauce and sweet seasonings are used to flavor savory dishes. Spanish Levant or Southeast Coast is famous for its huge groves of citrus fruit, grapevine yards and vegetable farms. This region is popular for its well known seafood dish. ââ¬Å"Paellaâ⬠. MOROCCO: Moroccan cuisine is the culinary star of its region North Africa. As it is at the cross roads of many civilizations, It is blended with Arab, Berber, Moorish, French, Middle Eastern, African, Iberian Jewish influences. Moroccan cuisines are rich with fruits, fresh or dried like apricots, dates, figs and raisins. Moroccan chicken and pigeon dishes are flavored specially by lemon preserved in a salt-lemon juice mixture. Nuts are also used in Moroccan dishes commonly like in pine nuts, pistachios and almonds. Moroccan sweets are famous for its rich flavors of fruits, cinnamons and almonds. Spices are used extensively in this particular cuisine. Since thousands of years, Moroccan cuisines flavors are richly flavored by Saffron from Taliounie, olives and mint from Meknes, lemons and oranges from Fes. Spices commonly used are karfa (cinnamon), kharkoum (turmeric), skingbir (ginger), libraz (pepper), kamoun (cumin), Pakistan: Pakistan has been rich in all of its tradition and cuisines. It is not much different from the Indian, Iran and Afghanistan cuisine. Most of the herbs, spices are used in both cuisines are same. Pork is banned in Pakistan as it is not a halal meat. Most of the drinks are non alcoholic. There is a huge variety of Pakistani cuisine. It includes Mughlai, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, North Western cuisine. Pakistan cuisine is one of the most traditional, culturally oriented, and diverse cuisines in the world. Meat is a major diet component in Pakistani cuisine. Moreover, vegetables, pulses and beans are also important. Wheat and rice is a necessary item of food at any time. The spices used in the cuisine range from mild, hot, spicy, and very spicy. Most of the cuisines are spicy. The meat dishes are first marinated in yogurt and spices for few hours and then cook on slow flame. These dishes are very popular in Pakistan. The famous dishes of Pakistani cuisines are Briyani, Korma, Kabab, Tikka, Pulao, Behari Kabab, Murgh Chana, Tandori fish Jehanga. a huge variety of deserets are Kher, Sherkhurma, and Rabari etc. Traditionally, these dishes are served with special types of breads known as Chapattis or Paratha, or with brown rice. The sweets of Pakistan are famous for their huge variety. Most of the sweets are made of milk, rice, variety of nuts and flour with Banasmati Ghee. The traditional drinks of Pakistan are Lasse, Tea, Kashmeeri Chai, and Doodh Pati. AUSTRALIA: The infinite variety of foods and cuisines of Australia reflects the variation of its land and provides rich cultural cuisines. In South, lamb, scallops and lobster are used in all their dishes. Fruits like citrus, grapes, melons, tomatoes and stone fruits along with apples and cherries are grown excessively in Australia. Australia cookery is famous for Lamb Roast, Lamingtons. Steak and Kidney Pies. Pavlova, Soldierââ¬â¢s cake and Anzac Biscuits are again famous for great afternoon teas with scones made up of Lamington and Pumpkin. Another famous food of Australia is Damper, traditional bread made without yeast. Australian cuisines are also known well for its variety of tastes in sweets. A chocolate coated cake dust with desiccated coconut served with whipped cream is another delight ful food served in the country and it is highly popular. Indigenous food is very popular in the country. Calamari seasoned with lemon myrtle tossed with local seafood like scallops, prawns are very famous and highly demanded dish in Australia. Other famous dishes are Kangaroo fillet with Mountain Pepper, springs smoked Salmon, Yabbies Chowder, Yabbies Stir fry with Asian vegetables. Australian cuisines are full of flavors with simple and mouthwatering taste and a variety of different combinations of ingredients. They season food very lightly with salt and black pepper and use little oil for cooking. The cuisine is full of variety ranging from fresh seafood till beef, mutton or chicken, use of fruits and vegetables till eggs of different varieties. The base of the Australian cuisine is simple, fresh yet with exquisite flavors. JAPAN: Japanese cuisine is famous all over the world for its simplest yet incredible taste. The culture of Japan changed drastically so as its cuisine. Modern Japanese cuisine has influence of traditional cuisine of Japan and other civilizations of the world. The staple food used in their cooking is rice, fish, vegetables, noodles. These food items are found almost in every meal at the time of dinner. Though many cultures cuisines have emerged in Japanese cuisine yet the basic and most of the Japanese cuisine is still having flair of their own tradition. Rice is a staple produce in Japan in many varieties and is highly demand in food. Noodles are also widely used in Japanese cuisine as a replacement of rice and sometimes as an additional meal. These food items are served with fish and vegetables. Japanese are fond of fish and other seafood is highly popular in Japan. Apart from them most of the food is boiled and seasoned well with herbs and spicy with not over strong flavors. Food is simple and delicious. The rice served is also boiled. The use of oil is very limited in Japanese cuisines and fried things are few in the cuisines. Only tempura is the highly successful and famous fried dish of Japan. Few famous dishes of Japan are Tempura, Sushi, Domburi, Onigiri, Kare Raisu, Fried rice, Chazuke, Kayu, Sashimi, Yakizanka. Apart from them Soba, Udon, Ramen, Somen, Yakisoba are highly popular fish, rice and noodles dishes. In this phase of the assignment we will discuss the different preparation of food and dinning patterns of different countries as mentioned above. SPAIN: Spanish cuisine is highly popular due to its huge variety of fresh and delicious foods. Family cooking is a tradition of Spain and comparatively simple dishes are in cuisines which are simple to prepare and includes fresh ingredients. Besides meat, chicken, fish and seafood, rice, beans, eggs and vegetables are included in most of their dishes. Tapas is a small morsels or appetizers which are prepared in huge variety and play an important role in the meals throughout the whole long day. Spanish life style is quiet different from American. A typical or traditional dinning pattern involves a light breakfast around 8 in the morning. Then a mid breakfast is served in the middle of the morning around 11. At 1 p. m. usually Tapas is served with a three course lunch at around 3. Then a tea is served with snacks and biscuits at 6 and evening tea later with Tapas at 8 p. m. At last a three course supper is served at 10. Mostly the food is prepared in a traditional way with family. There is a tradition that all familiesââ¬â¢ women prepare the food and they along with their whole family sit and enjoys the food at one large dinning table. They are of the opinion that it gives them opportunity to enjoy food with family as well as to discuss each other matters and help in solving them. MOROCCO: The dinning pattern of Moroccan is very simple. They start up their day with a breakfast. Many Moroccans eat bread with olive oil and tea along with different varieties of Moroccan crepes. Lunch is a big and main meal of the day. Members of the family come home from school and work. They all sit around a table which is low in the salon. Traditionally, female members prepare foods and serve it. The female member comes before the meal time with a kettle of water, soap and a basin made of aluminum and a dishtowel which she carries over her forearm. She comes near to every family member of the family and pours a little water on their hands to wash with the soap and rinse. Everyone gathered around one big plate placed in the center of the table. When the family head says ââ¬Å"Bismillahâ⬠(in the name of God), then the meal starts. Usually the Moroccan eat with their right hand. The take a piece of bread in their hand to scoop up with the food and the feast begins. The lunch meal comprises of a selection of salads with a tagine and couscous. After lunch, the host clears up the table and serves the tea with a plate of fruits. Since the lunch is the main meal time and big, the dinner is usually low and simple. Sometimes people eat leftovers from lunch or prepare soup. In the wedding the feast is enormous. The meal starts with pastilla, then tagine and after that couscous is served. Then a variety of fruits and at last a mint tea is served with almond filled pastries. PAKISTAN: Normally, Pakistani takes three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. During evening times, many families take tea with local bakery products. However during Ramadan, the eating patterns changes to Sehri Iftar. In this country, people usually eat with right hand and consider it as their Islamic tradition. Traditionally, Pakistani families serve food on a table cloth known as Dastarkhaun.. It is placed on floor and all the family members sit and eat over there. A typical Pakistani breakfast consists of eggs, Paratha, lacha, kolcha with tea or Lasse. Qeema, fresh seasonal fruits, milk, honey, butter, jam, and nuts are taken during breakfast. On weekdays or holidays halwa puri with channay is highly popular and in demand. Pakistani breakfast tends to be very heavy. During lunch time, usually meat dishes are prepared with chapattis or rice. A typical Pakistani lunch consists of meat curries, or lentils with some traditionally made vegetables. Other than meat curries, rice are cooked with meat known as Briyani or Pulao is highly popular in the country. Other than that, nihari and fried fish is also regarded highly during lunch time. Dinner is considered to be main meal when whole family gathers for a occasion. Lentils are never prepared during dinner time, and food prepared which is more savory like kofte, kebabs, Pulao, are prepared. These are served with mint sauce, pickle and salad. And later the traditional desserts are served like kheer, gulab jamun, and kulfi or ras malai and shahi tukaray. AUSTRALIA: The dinning patterns in Australia are very different then usually we observe in other countries eating habits. Dinner is the main meal of the day when families gather and spend the whole evening together. Sometimes families sit at a dining table and ensure their children to use cutlery proper and obey table manners. Traditionally the food is cooked by the mother with or without help of any other family members. As social changes incurred, fathers also cook. In summers barbecues are very common especially on social events. It is a tradition that man cooks the meat, and women of that family do the other things. In Australia, eating out culture developed strongly. It is common for most of the people to go to cafes regularly for lunch or breakfast. In general, visits to restaurants are considered as treat and are regarded as a special occasions. Fast food culture is highly popular in Australia nowadays. Local variants of fast food as well as international brands like Mc Donaldââ¬â¢s, KFC, and Pizza Hut are very popular in the country. Local producer like Burger Fuel Hell Pizza are highly rewarded. Georgia Pie is another highly rewarded company in the fast food industry. JAPAN: Japaneseââ¬â¢s dinning patterns are very simple and highly sophisticated. Japanese food is served in bowls and the chopsticks are used along with bowls for dinning purpose. Use of spoons is very rare in Japanese dinning. The Japanese often sit on western style table with chairs. They have cushions on tatami mats with a low dinning table. They usually sit on floor. Japanese food is freshly prepared and has a special aroma in their food. Sea food is must in their meal at dinner. Salmon, tuna, scallops, prawn and other types of sea food are eaten with a thick, spicy wasabe sauce. A part from it, the food is served elegantly in bite site portions. During lunch time, chicken grilled with quail eggs and pork are highly popular in Japan. Mushrooms with other vegetables are an essential part of dinning at any time. Sushi is also very popular and is considered to be quiet expensive and special dish. It is usually prepared for special occasions. The Breakfast of the Japanese is very simple with mint or green tea with some biscuits or fruits. Japanese food is not only healthy but has low calories which is the key of their healthy living style. REFERENCES: ? Ashkenazi, Michael Jacob, Jeanne 2000. ââ¬Å"The essence of Japanese cuisinesâ⬠Published by Pennsylvania press. ? . Casado, Matt A. 1997. ââ¬Å"The Spanish cuisine. â⬠The gourmetââ¬â¢s companion. Published by: Wiley Sons. ? Simpson, Maureen 1998. ââ¬Å"The Australian Cuisineâ⬠. Published by: Methuen Haynes, ? Haider, Malik 2006. ââ¬Å"Customs and Cultures of Pakistanâ⬠. Published by: Green wood publisher. ? Hal, Fatema 2002. ââ¬Å"Food of Moroccoâ⬠. Published by Tuttle publishing.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Victoria Junior College :: Economics
Victoria Junior College In the period 1945-1973, the world economy underwent a period of exceptional growth in the following thirty years that had never been exceeded previously. Indeed, this ââ¬Å"Golden Ageâ⬠was differentiated from past economic booms by two main characteristics: dynamic and extensive economic growth. By dynamic, the expansion of the world economy made it a truly international economy, with countries trading with and depending on each other instead of the autarkic empires that had been the hallmark of previous generations. Extensive growth was seen in the world economy growing in the sense of the entire world and not by specific regions, for example, the previously Eurocentric economy of the Industrial Revolution. Yet the Golden Age, suddenly and swiftly, was replaced by what came to be known as the ââ¬Å"Crisis Decadesâ⬠in 1973, thus raising the question: was the Golden Age really an Age which could have lasted, with stable and secure foundations? To answer this question, we must look at three areas of study: the distribution of economic power during the Golden Age, the breakdown of the economic structures of the Golden Age, the factors which had contributed to the boom and the long-term social and political viability of economic growth in the post-war years. The main nation upon which the stability of the Golden Age rested was, of course, the US. At the end of the Second World War, of the five major pre-war industrial centres, (the US, Britain, Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union) only the US had remained largely untouched by the effects of total war. As such, the US felt that it was necessary, or even natural, that it should assume the economic, and by extension political, leadership of the world and guide it towards economic prosperity. Moreover, world economic prosperity was the only way that the US could continue its own economic growth ââ¬â the loss of production necessitated by war meant that the US economy was facing a slowdown unless it could divert its surplus potential into channels outside the US ââ¬â and that meant the world economy. George Kennan spelt out the American attitude when he wrote in 1948 that ââ¬Å"[The US] has 50 per cent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 per cent of its population. In this situation, our real job in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which permit us to maintain this position of disparity.â⬠[1] This attitude could already have been found earlier in the Bretton Woods Agreement, the system that could have been said to be responsible for the post-war economic boom. There, the US dominated all the major decisions and statues regarding the formation of
Monday, November 11, 2019
UK software industry
In the business world strategic positioning has become an unavoidable endeavor as businesses look for every means of improving their competitive advantage. In such a business environment, a much reliable reprieve can be found in the adaptation of analysis models by organizations in their marketing campaigns. PEST analysis models have been utilized by organizations all over the world to determine or predict future trends in business as well as to take preemptive measures to avoid running into losses (Charles, Hill, & Jones, 2006p. 9-98),. Below is a PEST analysis of UKââ¬â¢s software industry. Political factors The political changes in the UK really do impact negatively on the software industry, although of late, there has been a concerted effort to enact legislation to curb software piracy which has been termed as one of the greatest threats to the industry. Currently the anti-piracy law of UK prohibits and sets forth legal measures against perpetrators of the crime and it is anti cipated that this will stamp out the vice that is so rife in the UK. From a global perspective, different political scenarios in different countries where the software industry market their products also impacts on the performance of the industry, for instance, the software industry is affected negatively when other countries which have been traditionally markets for UK software companies change to competitors for instance China and India. This is usually occasioned by regime change in those countries. Gender equality has also had a significant influence of the industry I that, they have been forced to change their labor policies to reflect equal opportunities accorded to all genders. Economic Factors. Although there is a clear-cut difference between political factors and economic factors some happenings in political arenas have had an impact on the economic factors for instance legislation touching on taxation for software products. Currently the economic state in the UK is friendly and no signals point to the contrary. Relatively stable exchange rates, as well as low inflation levels, a steady income growth in the domestic market, have all contributed positively the growth of the sector in the UK and is projected to continue that way into the future. Social Factors. As these determine the buying behavior for customers, the UK market can be said to be mature in that, sales and demand for software products is on the increase, a trend that has continued for the past three years. The fact that, most software products are not viewed as hazardous and there fore are looked at as harmless has contributed to a positive growth of the software market in the UK. This can be evidenced by the fact that, people from all walks of life can purchase different software custom made. There have been few cases of major complaints form the society in terms of their usability and effectiveness of what is on offer in the market. This further strengthens the future position of the sector as far as viability and profitability are concerned. Technological Factors. Advances in this area especially as occasioned by computers, the internet, as well as well as cell phones, has had an impact on software industry in that, production has become cheaper than it would have been in the absence of the above. In the UK, majority of the software companies have invested heavily on technology and this has been reflected in surging profits. In conclusion, from the above analysis it is clear that, the future for software industry in the UK I bright and those businesses which shall capitalize themselves by taking a strategic position are more likely to thrive.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The work poem
Vive reached a bit further than half the book and I have been glued to the cover since day one. One major theme that Veronica Roth appears to be focusing on is that being yourself takes courage. She created this world where people are sorted into five factions based on a single test at the age of sixteen. In the earlier chapters, her family is shown to follow tradition and look at leaving the family in a bad way (reference). So when both Caleb and Beatrice Prior decide to choose a different faction and abandon there family, it shows the amount of courage taken.During the sorting ceremony, Beatrice scrambled thoughts moving very quickly show the bravery involved in being yourself, not only to yourself but to those around you. The story opens up with a reflection. Reflection about self Image and who you are. It stars 16 year old Beatrice Prior's curiosity in herself, which is not common for those from Vegetation. When she tries to find herself she ends up finding herself In a dangerous position, being divergent (different). Her friends, Will, AAA and Christina seem very helpful as they are somewhat outcasts (transfers) that are not with the Andorra group.Some predictions I made were that Four, one of the Dauntless Is the son of Marcus and he Is being pushed by Max to become a leader and possibly the leader of the Dauntless. I believe he may also be divergent and have the characteristics from the brave and the selfless, hence the fact that Max would Like him to be a leader. That is why the vegetation governs, because they are Incorruptible. I also predict that the reason that Divergence Is tabooed and exiled Is because they corrupt the system.Their abilities show the flaw In the system, and how his dyspepsia society and Its restricting thinking cannot be categorized. How can someone truly find themselves when they can only be sorted Into five different areas, where only one of the characteristics can be practiced. Another prediction Is a large war between the five factions. They all have complete differences (abnegation vs. erudite, dauntless vs. candor..? ) and are working together currently, but It only takes one diamond In the rough (divergent) to break the system.As It seems there are many people who become factionists, this represents poverty and homeless Iranians, they may also create an uprising Like In the Hunger Games, which Is commonly related Josh The Road Journal As I finish the first half of The Road, my Minimal thoughts are that It's a great disappoint. In terms of characters, McCarthy takes a different approach when it comes to characters. No names are given to any of the characters. However, this does not take away from character development. I am fond of the concept of a father and son as main characters.I feel as if it adds a twist on the genre and provides more of an emotional aspect to the story. Additionally, it adds a place to relate to, as everyone as experienced some form of paternal love. With regards to the characte rs themselves, The father expresses a deep love for his son. Demonstrated by him harming anyone that touches him. However, as I read on the father's health is deteriorating. I worry for their prospects of living. If the father were to die, most certainly would his son. He is too ignorant of what is happening in the world, as well as to accepting of others.Although I wouldn't like it, I feel the father will eventually die. In terms of setting, McCarthy does a tremendous Job of conveying a barren and gruesome wasteland. Although I have yet to learn the exact location, I have a good understanding of the scenery. The plot is typical of a book of such genre. The characters are trying to survive, and are Journeying down ââ¬Å"The Roadâ⬠. However, McCarthy spares no expense with regards to demonstrating the atrocities humans could commit. Certain scenes I found brutal to read, often pertaining to cannibalism. The theme of paternal love is prominent within the first section of the boo k.Considering the main characters, this theme can be expected. McCarthy makes an effort to emphasize the man's love for his son. At various points in the story it is explained that the man's entire will to live lies within his son. Before his wife committed suicide, she pointed out ; ââ¬Å"the boy was all that stood between him and deathâ⬠. The quotation explains that the only thing that prevented the man from suicide was his son. Furthermore, Despite the distaste with violence the two express, the father is quick to violence if his son is harmed. When they encounter someone who threatens to harm the boy the father does not hesitate to kill him.He expresses such thoughts when he says; â⬠My Job is to take care of you. I was appointed to do that by God. I will kill anyone who touches you. Do you understand? ââ¬Å". Throughout the story the father and son make reference to whether they are the ââ¬Å"good guysâ⬠. They often question the actions of others and themselve s. With reading, I feel McCarthy has put emphasis on humanity and morals. They speak of ââ¬Å"carrying the fireâ⬠, which is the term they use to describe people who are moral. If such a situation was to happen in modern civilization, what extent will people go to survive?Would people really strive to be moral in their actions, or succumb to inhumane ethos of survival? Secondly, McCarthy constantly shows the man's determination to live. Despite his sons questions on death, and his willingness to die, the man pushes on. Even despite the advice of his wife, he cannot afford to see his son die. His love for his son is too great to let him go. I think McCarthy wants us to consider what drives us. What do we love and fight for. That through love and determination people overcome the most dire of circumstances. That if a post apocalyptic scenario were to present itself would we give up on life?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nelly McClung essays
Nelly McClung essays "She was spirited, she was amazing, she was effective," a few commonly used words to describe Nellie McClung. She was a petit, pretty westerner with strong Christian values and a heart of gold. Nellie spent most of her life as a wife, mother, midwife, teacher, lecturer, legislator and writer. Throughout her long, diverse career she was a potent influence on Canadian society. From a young age Nellie was advanced far beyond her years. She read every book she could get a hold of, knew women should be treated as equals, and that she was against liquor. Nellie knew women deserved more rights and that someday she would devote her life to enforce those rights through activism and literature. "Women are going to form a chain, a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known." While maintaining the role of a mother and writer Nellie was a strong and influential temperance worker and suffragist. Nellie had a devotion to the significance of family life. As a teen Nellie was taught that a woman couldn't be a mother and a wife and have a career, and she chose a career. "A woman had to decide early between ambition and family life: there was not so much as a hint that one might hope for both." While teaching she boarded in with a Pastor and his Family and that is where she met Wes McClung. From the moment she met him she knew he would be her husband. After dating for a while the two got married in 1896. She said it was the best choice she had made. At that point she gave up teaching and learned how to cook and be a wife since a lady wasn't allowed to be married and a teacher back then. By 1901 Nellie had three kids and motherhood suited her well. Nellie was the typical mother. She spent her days cleaning, baking, taking care of her children and entertaining her neighbours, but that wasn't enough for Nellie. I guess I felt like a lot of young mothers, that all children of the world were now my children...I wanted to do som...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Valence Definition in Chemistry
Valence Definition in Chemistry Valence is typicallyà the number of electrons needed to fill the outermost shell of an atom. Because exceptions exist, the more general definition of valence is the number of electrons with which a given atom generally bonds or number of bonds an atom forms. (Think iron, which may have a valence of 2 or a valence of 3.) The IUPAC formal definition of valence is the maximum number of univalent atoms that may combine with an atom. Usually, the definition is based on the maximum number of either hydrogen atom or chlorine atoms. Note the IUPAC only defines a single valence value (the maximum), while atoms are known to be capable of displaying more than one valence. For example, copper commonly carries a valence of 1 or 2. Example A neutral carbon atom has 6 electrons, with an electron shell configuration of 1s22s22p2. Carbon has a valence of 4 since 4 electrons can be accepted to fill the 2p orbital. Common Valences Atoms of elements in the main group of the periodic table may display a valence between 1 and 7 (since 8 is a complete octet). Group 1 (I) : Na in NaClGroup 2 (II) : Mg in MgCl2Group 13 (III) : Al in AlCl3Group 14 (IV) : C in CO (double bond) or CH4 (single bonds)Group 15 (V) s are N in NH3 and P in PCl5Group 16 (VI) : O in H2OGroup 17 (VII) s: Cl in HCl Valence vs Oxidation State There are two problems with valence. First, the definition is ambiguous. Second, its just a whole number, without a sign to give you an indication of whether an atom will gain an electron or lose its outermost one(s). For example, the valence of both hydrogen and chlorine is 1, yet hydrogen usually loses its electron to become H, while chlorine usually gains an additional electron to become Cl-. The oxidation state is a better indicator of the electronic state of an atom because it has both magnitude and sign. Also, its understood an elements atoms may display different oxidation states depending on the conditions. The sign is positive for electropositive atoms and negative for electronegative atoms. The most common oxidation state of hydrogen is 8. The most common oxidation state for chlorine is -1. Brief History The word valence was described in 1425 from the Latin word valentia, which means strength or capacity. The concept of valence was developed in the second half of the 19th century to explain chemical bonding and molecular structure. The theory of chemical valences was proposed in an 1852 paper by Edward Frankland.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The First Arab-Israeli War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem Essay
The First Arab-Israeli War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem - Essay Example After American abandonment of Israel, a Jewish state in the midst of Arab and Palestinian enemies, I agree with you in claiming it was inevitable for Israel to militarize in order to realize and sustain their interests in the Middle East. Finally, even though Israel had to militarize fast, the motive of partitioning remains unknown, and I agree when you claim the war resulted from a multiplicity of factors at local, national, and international levels. For many years, the Middle East has been a region of frequent conflicts, and even today violence beginning with the Arab revolution spread throughout the region with unimaginable consequences of their social, political, economic, and cultural organization. Many wars in the Middle East could be avoided, but local, national, regional and international interests make war inevitable, and I agree when you employ this applies to the first Arab-Israeli War. It is true Palestinians were ill prepared for the war and these questions the motives for the war. I believe the war resulted from differences between Britain and America over the fate of the Middle East. Considering the arms embargo, Americaââ¬â¢s abandonment of Israel, and disunity between Arab countries about the Palestinian crisis, I agree when you claim Britain, America, and Arab countries were concerned about gaining territorial possessions than they were about the crisis in Palestine. Therefore, the fate of Palestine was influe nced by the interplay between various factors.
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